FCC B - vertaling naar duits
Online Woordenboek

FCC B - vertaling naar duits

Fcc song; FCC song; The FCC Song

FCC class B         
Part 15; FCC Part 15; Talking house; Part 15 (FCC rules); FCC Class B; Unlicensed transmission; Unintentional radiator classes; FCC Class A
ein Standard der vereinigten amerikanischen Komission für Kommunikation, ein Standard zur Regulierung von elektrostatischen Störungen die von Elektrogeräten ausgehen
Federal Communications Committee         
  • FCC commissioners inspect the latest in television, December 1, 1939.
  • Former Federal Communications Commission Office in [[Washington, D.C.]]
  • Chairman]] [[Paul Atlee Walker]], Standing (l-r) [[T.A.M. Craven]], [[Thad H. Brown]], [[Norman S. Case]], and [[George Henry Payne]].
  • FCC seal prior to 2020
F.C.C.; Fcc; FCC (US); USFCC; US FCC; FCC; Federal Communications Commision; Federal Communication Commission; Federal Communications Committee; Wireless white space; United States Federal Communications Commission; F.C.C; The Federal Communications Commission; FCC Commissioners; FCC Commissioner; The Federal Communications Commission (FCC); Federal Communications Commission (FCC); US Federal Communications Commission; FCC commissioner; U.S. Federal Communications Commission; David A. Bray; The F.C.C.; FCC Intergovernmental Advisory Committee; Freeze of 1948
die vereinigte amerikanische Komission für Kommunikation, eine Komission die Standards für die Regulierung von elektrostatischen Störungen die von Elektrogeräten ausgehen bestimmt
B cell         
  • B cell activation: from immature B cell to plasma cell or memory B cell
  • Basic B cell function: bind to an antigen, receive help from a cognate helper T cell, and differentiate into a [[plasma cell]] that secretes large amounts of antibodies
  • 3D rendering of a B cell
  • Histology of a normal [[lymphoid follicle]], with germinal center in the middle.
  • Early B cell development: from stem cell to immature B cell
  • Plasmablast, [[Wright stain]].
  • T-dependent B cell activation
  • [[Transitional B cell]] development: from immature B cell to MZ B cell or mature (FO) B cell
B cells; B lymphocyte; B-cell; B lymphocytes; B-cells; B Cells; B Cell; B-Cell; B-lymphocytes; B-lymphocyte subsets; B-lymphocyte; B-Cells; Pre-B cell; B Lymphocytes; Pre-pre B cell; Bcell
B-Zelle, Beta-Zelle, das Hormon Insulin bildende Zellen (Medizin)


Forward Carbon Copy (Reference: telecommunication)


FCC Song

"FCC Song" is a deliberately controversial and explicit song by British-born Monty Python comic Eric Idle. Idle, who later became a resident of the U.S. state of California, recorded the song in early 2004 in reaction to a fine by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for saying "fuck" on a radio station. The song is also known by its refrain "fuck you very much". Despite being nominally aimed at the FCC, the lyrics primarily target well-known figures associated with the George W. Bush administration, including Dick Cheney and John Ashcroft among others. Idle stated about the song that

"...it's dedicated to the FCC and if they broadcast it, it will cost a quarter of a million dollars".

Idle has made the song freely available for download at the Monty Python website. The lyrics' strong anti-Republican stance has prompted numerous anti-Bush websites to link to the song or to mirror it. The word "fuck" occurs 14 times in the song; the words "bitch" and "dickhead" also appear in the song one time each.

An earlier song, "I Bet You They Won't Play This Song on the Radio", written and performed by Idle on Monty Python's Contractual Obligation Album (1980), touched on this subject, but with two major differences: It limited its scorn to radio programmers and it bleeped (using various sound effects) the various obscenities. Accordingly, many programmers did indeed play that song on the radio.